Superfoods To Add To Your Diet

You may have heard the word “superfoods” before. I feel like I didn’t know much about them or hadn’t even heard of them before I dove into the health community. So, what are superfoods? Superfoods are foods that have a very high nutrient content and can be beneficial for your body. It’s very important to eat a well-balanced diet so these specific foods are not the end all be all to healthy nutrition but they can add extra nutrients to your diet, like antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

If you google superfoods you will most likely find a different list on every site. There are lots of whole foods (superfoods) that are nutrient-dense, but a few that I consume almost daily are leafy greens, cacao, coconut oil, chia seeds, goji berries, blueberries, and avocado. Cacao, coconut oil, and chia seeds are three superfoods that are so easy to add to your family’s diet and pack some great benefits.


Chia Seeds

They are small seeds from a plant native to Central America. Chia seeds are a complete protein, containing all 9 amino acids, they are high in fiber and essential Omega-3 fatty acids. One tablespoon of chia seeds contains about 2500 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, way over the recommended daily intake. I mentioned Omega-3s in a previous post, Three Reasons to Eat Healthy Fats. They have been shown to nourish your brain and skin and reduce the risk of heart disease. Deficiency can include problems like eczema, asthma, depression, fatigue, and even ADHD.


Cacao is the less processed, raw form of cocoa. You can find it in a powder form or you can find cacao nibs. I like the powder form because I love to make hot chocolate with it. If you are looking for a nourishing hot chocolate recipe, check out my bone broth hot chocolate. I also use cacao powder in place of cocoa powder in baking or I mix it into a smoothie. Truly, the things you can do with cacao powder are endless. It is high in antioxidants and magnesium. Magnesium is needed for DNA to produce and function properly and is known for its help in relaxing the body. It specifically can help prevent spasms in the coronary artery, helping to prevent heart attacks and in pregnant woman with pre-eclampsia, it has been used to lower blood pressure.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is full of medium-chain triglycerides. Medium-chain triglycerides are broken down very quickly so they can be used as energy for your body. I love to include it in my coffee or a smoothie for an energy boost. Coconut oil is also anti-inflammatory and has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

Buying Cacao Powder, Chia Seeds and Coconut Oil

When you are purchasing any product it is important to make sure it is from a trusted source so that you know you are getting the best quality possible, that’s why I love Wildly Organics. For over 20 years they have been providing naturally-nourishing foods that are high quality and taste great. They offer chia seeds, cacao powder, and coconut oil. Their cacao powder is organic and certified fair trade and the best part is it’s just cacao, no fillers or other weird ingredients. Wildly Organics coconut oil is unrefined and pure and with a hint of coconut taste it’s the perfect addition to hot chocolate or coffee. Again, the best part is, the only ingredient is coconut. Visit their site by clicking on the linked words above and take a look around for yourself, don’t forget to use the code NEW10 at checkout for 10% off your purchase.


Baked Apples


Bone Broth Hot Chocolate