Baked Apples

Baked apples have become one of our favorite snacks. They are nutritious, so easy to make and last all week in the fridge. I share them with my son but they are also a great snack for any season of life, especially pregnancy.

Proper preparation

Something I have been digging into recently is the proper preparation of food. Cooked apples can be easier to digest because the cooking process has already started to break them down, but they are still full of nutrients. This can be helpful, especially if you have digestive issues or are working to improve your gut. It can also be helpful if you are pregnant. When you’re pregnant your body is working hard to grow a baby, so sometimes digestion gets put on the back burner so to speak. That’s when preparation really comes into play. By cooking the apples you are helping to take some of the stress off of your body, making digestion easier. Adding in cinnamon boosts the antioxidants and adds anti-inflammatory properties while adding fat, found in the ghee, helps your body to absorb all the nutrients in the apples.

healthy baked apples

How to bake apples

I cook a large bunch of apples at the beginning of the week and then store them in the fridge to snack on. We snack on these for most of the week adding them to breakfast or eating them alone. First, wash the apples and peel, if you’d like. Peeling will make them even easier to digest. I would recommend peeling the apples if you are really struggling with gut issues but I like to leave the skin on. Use an apple slicer to slice each apple evenly and if you’d like the slices to be smaller cut each in half. Then place all the apple slices in a large glass baking dish and top with ghee. Don’t worry too much about spreading the ghee out when first adding it to the apples. Allow the apples to cook for about 15-20 minutes, then remove them from the oven and stir to distribute the ghee. Return to the oven to finish baking. Once soft, remove the apples from the oven and top with cinnamon. Our favorite way to enjoy these is fresh out of the oven.

Yield: 5-10
Baked Apples

Baked Apples

Simple and nutritious, baked apples are an easy snack.


  • 7 small organic apples
  • 1 Tablespoon organic grass-fed ghee
  • 1/2 teaspoon organic cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Wash, peel if desired, and slice apples.
  3. Place in a glass baking dish and top with ghee.
  4. Half way through baking, remove apples and stir then return to the oven.
  5. Bake for about 35 minutes or until desired tenderness, top with cinnamon, mix and enjoy.


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics it is not recommended to feed babies solid foods before 6 months of age.

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