Pecan Snickers Stuffed Dates

Summer is here and backyard bbq’s are in full swing. If you’re a busy momma like me, time is precious, so having a quick and easy dessert in your bag of tricks is a must! Cue these yummy pecan snickers stuffed dates. Seriously, when I was making these, my mouth was watering the whole time and as soon as I snapped a few photos I polished them off. No judgment here. 

Over the past few years, I have been using dates more often. They are sweet but are packed with fiber so using them as a treat is a much better option than a piece of candy. Eating sugar and fiber together helps to regulate your blood sugar afterward. If you eat sugars on their own your blood sugar can spike, giving you a jolt of energy but a crash later, not to mention that spikes in blood sugar have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Adding fiber to the mix helps to regulate the body’s use of the sugar, causing it to be broken down slowly so you don’t have an insulin spike and pecans also help to keep sugar levels regulated by adding in healthy fats. This is why fruit, even though it is sweet, is a much better option than a processed sugary snack that lacks fiber and a snack of fruit and nuts is even better. 

Dates also contain lots of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to fight free radicals in the body, the guys that can cause cell damage, leading to disease. Just as a side note, if you’re looking for an easy-on-the-go snack for your little one that includes dates, try out these Skout Organic Bars, they’re made from dates, nut butter, and fruit, with most of them having no added sugars. My son loves them!

Recipe Notes

  • The dates can be a little fragile, so I like to use kitchen shears to cut one side of them open. It was easiest to slide one side of the shears through the date and then cut. Next you can pull the sides apart creating a sort of bowl to fill with the ingredients. I would also try to buy organic dates that are already pitted. I get mine at Costco.

  • I enjoy raw pecans in this recipe because it makes it that much easier but if you would prefer toasted lay the pecans on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 300°F, for about 10 minutes. Until they are lightly browned and fragrant. You will need one pecan per date.

  • You can use any nut butter you would like, I prefer peanut butter but almond butter is yummy too.

  • Once you’ve got the nut butter inside of the date and topped with a pecan, carefully sprinkle the mini chocolate chips, I used Enjoy Life Mini chocolate chips, over the areas of exposed nut butter. I find sprinkling works better than rolling.

  • It’s hard to eat just one of these, consider yourself warned!

Yield: 5
Pecan Snickers Stuffed Dates

Pecan Snickers Stuffed Dates

These pecan snickers stuffed dates are an easy dessert to take to a backyard bbq or are a perfect quick after dinner treat.


  • 10 pitted organic dates
  • 10 whole pecans
  • 1/2 a teaspoon, per date, of organic peanut butter or nut butter of choice
  • Mini chocolate chips


  1. Using kitchen shears cut one side of each date, creating a bowl shape.
  2. Fill each date with approximately 1/2 a teaspoon of peanut butter.
  3. Place one pecan on top and press into the peanut butter.
  4. Sprinkle with mini chocolate chips.
  5. Enjoy!
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