Healthy Breakfast Swaps for More Energy

Take notes or make sure to open this post when you’re at the grocery store this week. One of the easiest things I have done to help increase my energy levels is to switch from processed foods to real, clean foods. I had to switch my mindset too and choose less convenience foods. Starting to cook at home seemed daunting at first but after a little practice it takes very little time and the options are way better than packaged choices. So, where do you start?

chocolate sourdough babka

How to Get Started?

Boosting your energy levels doesn’t have to be all that hard. Like mentioned above, if you’re a mom, focus on swapping processed foods for whole foods with more nutrients. For example, instead of processed cereal that most likely includes lots of processed sugar and preservatives, try eggs or sprouted oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and yogurt.

What you eat for breakfast and when you eat can make a huge difference in your energy levels. Another tip is to eat first thing after waking, no longer than 30 minutes. This will give your body the energy need to start your day. If you are worried though about the time it may take to make breakfast first thing you can try to meal prep for the week or just start with fruit and yogurt. Below I’ve made a list of easy breakfast swaps that will help to increase your energy levels throughout the day and over time.

Healthy Breakfast Swaps

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it is breaking your fast from the night an3 Steps to Reclaim Your Energyd showing your body that you are providing nutrients for it to sustain it through the day. This is so important for your energy levels, especially if you have a busy day full of physical activities. Focusing on whole foods is also important to give your body the nutrients needed to function well. Providing your body with these nutrients gives it energy but when you eat processed foods you are robbing your body of nutrients because of the excess processed sugar and unnecessary chemicals. If you’d like to learn more about how breakfast can help to increase you energy levels check out my free masterclass, 3 Steps to Reclaim Your Energy.

  • Swap cereal for eggs, you can enjoy them scrambled, fried or hard boiled. Eggs are full of vitamins and minerals along with easily absorbed protein that will give your body energy.

  • Swap donuts and processed pastries for sourdough bread with butter. Sourdough is easier to digest than processed breads because digestion is easier your body will have the ability to use it’s energy elsewhere. Despite what we have been told grass-fed butter is a great food to consume. It is full of nutrients and healthy fats that will help give your body energy.

  • Swap breakfast bars for cottage cheese or yogurt and fruit. The addition and combination of protein, fat and healthy carbohydrates will give you energy that will last throughout the day.

Want to Learn More About How to Increase Your Energy Levels?

Fatigue and exhaustion are both a part of our every day culture but even though they are common they are not normal. There are other simple ways to increase your energy levels that I share about in my free masterclass, 3 Simple Steps to Reclaim Your Energy Levels, sign up here and watch it now.


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