5 Simple and Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress can be physical, mental, or emotional. Physical stress may look like over-exercising while certain situations or circumstances can cause mental or emotional stress. As a response to stress, the body produces stress hormones such as cortisol. These hormones are beneficial at first since they help the body adapt, but if stress is prolonged the hormones can negatively affect your health and potentially cause disease and deplete nutrients.

The past few months of my life have been very stressful. On top of a lot of personal and family stressors, I am still dealing with the stress my pituitary tumor brings to my body and the stress of starting a business. It feels like one thing after the other over here so I have been very focused on including rituals in my day and life that help to relieve the stress load on my body. The main way I support my body in this way is to reduce its toxic load. By eating clean, whole foods and using clean personal care products I am trying my best to give my body the support it needs to heal and be healthy, all while dealing with everything that happens in life.

On top of a whole foods diet, there are a few other rituals that I love to incorporate into my daily routines. These 5 simple and healthy ways to relieve stress are replenishing your body, calming your mind, and restoring your health.

1.) Take an Epsom Salt Bath

To me, a bath is one of the easiest ways to relax, especially an Epsom salt bath. Epsom salt also known as magnesium sulfate is known for its stress-relieving properties. Many take an Epsom salt bath to relieve muscle aches and pains but it is also a great way to increase your magnesium stores and help your body to overall relax. Magnesium is a mineral that is used in a lot of different ways in the body, including aiding in muscle and nerve function and it helps you to relax. The skin does easily absorb different substances so I think it is safe to say that magnesium from an Epsom salt bath can be absorbed aiding your body in relaxation. This isn’t fully studied but in my personal experience, an Epsom salt bath is always relaxing.

How to Take an Epsom Salt Bath

Start by filling your bathtub with warm water. Next, add 1-2 cups of Epsom salt. You can start with a lower amount to try and see how you feel and then work up to more if you would like. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes or as long as you would like. As an extra addition, I like to add a few tablespoons of baking soda. Baking soda helps keep your skin smooth and soft and aids in detox.

epsom salt bath

2.) Eat Breakfast Within 30 Minutes of Waking

In an effort to address stress management, make sure you are feeding your body nourishing foods and eating a balanced breakfast within 30 minutes of waking. This is the best possible start to your day and preparation for any stressors that may come because your body needs fuel to function well and deal with stress. Start with small meals if needed but work up to protein, healthy carbohydrates, and fats. For me, this looks like bacon, eggs, and fruit.

Foods such as bee pollen or tart cherry juice also aid in the body's overall recovery process due to the antioxidants, minerals and other nutrients they possess. Other recommendations to help deal with stress include: eating a diet high in vitamin C, limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption.

3.) Get Daily Sunshine and Fresh Air

Sunlight is essential to a healthy lifestyle. I know that is opposite to what most of us have been told, but the sun plays a vital role in the health of our bodies. The ultraviolet light from the sun can also help signal our bodies to repair and restore damaged cells. Sunlight and darkness are signals to our bodies to prepare for wake-time and rest. Think about how nature uses the sun for life and for rhythms; it is important for us to use it in this way, too. Without sunlight during the day our bodies can be confused and may not properly produce hormones. This confusion can also happen when we are consistently exposed to artificial light. Don't discredit how life-giving and helpful the simple practice of getting extra time in the sun can be.

For me, fresh air is life giving and helps my brain to relax. Getting outside, hearing birds and bugs and watching butterfly’s is so relaxing. It brings me back down to earth and helps me to refocus. This is a very simple and powerful way to relieve stress.


4.) Replenish Minerals

As mentioned above, taking an Epsom salt bath can be a way to increase your body’s magnesium levels but there are also a few other simple ways to replenish your minerals. Why is this important though? Studies show, and I can tell you from personal experience, that stress depletes the body of minerals. Magnesium, zinc, and calcium have all been found to be depleted during times of stress because the body is using them rapidly during these times. This means that it is so important to up your mineral intake giving your body the nutrients it needs to bounce back and function well.

My current favorite way to replenish minerals is with herbal teas. Teas brewed with nettle and oat straw are high in minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and zinc. In this form, the minerals are easy for your body to absorb. You can find teas at the grocery store that include these herbs or order the herbs yourself to create your own infusions. This process is so simple and yields a tasty beverage that you can sip on throughout the day to increase your mineral stores, helping your body combat stress.

How to Make an Herbal Tea Infusion

I buy my herbs from Azure Standard. You can buy them bulk and they are organic. To create a tea infusion first read the herb package quantity suggestions. Add the herbs to a french press or large glass jar and fill with hot water. Cover and allow to steep for a few hours or over night. The hot water and time will release the minerals into the water, making for a mineral rich, simple and healthy drink. In my experience you get used to the flavor but you can also mix the tea with tart cherry juice or lemon juice and honey.

herbal tea infusion

5.)Prioritize Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is vital to health and restoration from stress. During sleep our cells are able to repair and restore aiding in health and healing. Sleep can also aid in mental health, good quality sleep or a lack of can affect your stress response. During sleep your brain is processing your day and having the time it needs to recuperate and recover.

Want to Learn More?

If you are interested in learning more about how to eat in a way that helps your body to deal with stress by removing toxins and eating whole foods check out my Nourished Living Course. In the course I walk you through how to remove toxins from your diet, add in nutrient dense foods and lifestyle changes that will help your body to be more resilient.

*This is not medical advice. If you are pregnant or have a medical condition make sure to speak to your health care provider before partaking in any of the above recommendations to relieve stress.


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