Welcome to Momma & Co.

Hi, I’m Jenny. Welcome to Momma & Co. I’m so glad you are here! I’m currently studying to become a holistic nutritionist. I love food, art, the beach, and Jesus. Most days you can either find me studying or chasing my baby boy or fur baby around. We love being in the sunshine, Luna our dog, even loves to sunbathe and in the kitchen but mostly we love to eat.

I have a degree in graphic design and have worked in a few different fields but I decided to join the health community after having my own “health crisis”. After being diagnosed with a benign pituitary tumor and trying conventional medicine for about a year, the only thing that helped me was a change in my diet. I started eating organic foods and juicing. I immediately saw a difference in my skin and the function of my body and after about a year of eating this way saw my hormone levels come down and my tumor shrink. (Praise God!) I was hooked and I knew I wanted to share my story with others. I wanted everyone around me, sometimes to their annoyance I’m sure, to know that the food choices we make can change our lives. I wanted to be someone who could go alongside others and encourage them and give them hope that there are other options out there. That conventional medicine isn’t always the only way and changes in your diet can affect your life for generations to come. So, Momma & Co. was born, a place to share thoughts and ideas about how food and non-toxic living can help you and your little ones thrive.

I’d love for you to take a look around my site, read about my health journey, and visit again as much as you’d like! I hope you will join me on this journey to health for you and your family and learn lots while you are here!


Momma & Me Greensicle Smoothie