The Importance of Buying Local Beef

local beef

Sewage Sludge in Our Food System

Conventional cattle farms use sewage sludge as a way to cut down costs so they don’t have to buy more expensive fertilizers. It is spread over the fields where cattle graze and on crops, introducing it into our food chain.

And then guess what happens next? The cattle is processed and we eat it. Seriously disgusting right?

Sewage sludge contains not only human waste but pharmasuticals, forever chemicals known as PFAS, endocrine disruptors like BPA, heavy metals and literally billions of pounds of toxins…and sadly this is all legal in some states and there is no regulation at the moment. These chemicals are known to cause cancer and linked to thyroid disease and so many other health issues.

But what can you do about it?

Learn to eat clean. Understand our food system, how animals are treated, farmers practices and understand packaging claims. Find a local farmer and purchase clean, quality meat. Protect yourself and family by gaining knowledge about how to eat clean.

Whether you realize it or not, toxins in our food influence your health and cutting them out is paramount if you are wanting to be healthy and reduce your risk of chronic illness.

Want to know how to get started eating clean and protecting yourself and family from toxins in our food?

I’d love to help and show you how to eat clean in my new Clean Eating Ebook. It’s a simple guide to understanding where our food comes from and its packaging. It gives you the cleanest options to buy at the grocery store, tells you what not yo buy, gives info on how to find local and provides a shopping list with clean brands.

Get to Know Your Farmer

When you buy local beef or any item from a local farm it is important to get to know the farmer. This comes with so many benefits. One huge benefit is the ability to ask questions and see how the animals are living and being treated.

You can experience and understand first hand what an animal is eating, where they are living, how they are being treated and how they are being processed. I like this transparency because it gives me the ability to make wise choices about where I spend my money but I also like to truly know and see things for myself instead of just trusting a company I know nothing about.

Y’all, I can’t share this enough…the food choices you make matter and influence your health! Your health isn’t just up to chance, it’s time to take responsibility and learn where your food is coming from and how it is being produced and treated.

local beef

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