Healthy Store Bought Snacks for Toddlers and Mommas

Snacks! They have been one of my hardest struggles since having a baby. Whether its me and my constant hunger or my little one needing two snacks a day, I’ve been struggling. I do enjoy making my own recipes because it can be hard to find healthy options at the store, but some days I am too tired or just don’t have the time. So, I have been on a mission to find a few tasty, healthy snacks that I love and that I can share with my little one.

There are so many options out there on the snack isles, that it can be hard to know which is best. When you are looking for a snack, it is so important to read the nutrition label. A good rule of thumb is that if you don’t know what the ingredient is or how to pronounce it you should probably not be eating it. Natural flavors are a good example of this, lots of packaged food items list “natural flavors” on the label. This may sound good because they are using the word “natural” but if you really think about it, why didn’t they just list the flavors? After all, wouldn’t a company want you to know specifically what is in their item? So, why don’t they just say natural strawberry flavor or natural blueberry flavor? Most times it is because instead of using an actual “natural” flavor like strawberry or blueberry, they are using a mix of chemicals to create a flavoring that may taste similar to the real thing. Meaning the “natural flavors” aren’t really natural. If the package isn’t specific about where the flavor is coming from then you truly don’t know what the ingredient is and it is best to avoid it.

The best ingredients in a packaged item are whole food ingredients, foods that you would eat on their own. Foods like dates, apples, oats, pumpkin seeds, etc. I know though, that reading food labels takes time and your full attention. It can be hard when you are at the grocery store with your little one to read everything you are putting into your cart. So, in an effort to help and make your life simpler I have created a healthy store bought snacks guide that I want to share. It is a list of nine different snacks that I eat and have shared with my 19 month old. I have read through all the ingredients to make sure each option only includes whole foods, no fillers or random ingredients you can’t pronounce. I’ve also listed them in categories that show how they can replace other snacks. The guide gives you and your family options to try instead of chips, candy and granola bars, making substitutions easy. I also wanted to help make the transition to healthier snacks easier, by listing them as replacements. This way you are still eating something crunchy but not a chip that is fried in inflammatory oils or something chewy and sour but not a candy loaded with processed sugar. I hope these small switches help your family to lead a more nourished life and help to keep y’all eating well. Click the image below to download your free copy!

*Please make sure to read the disclaimer at the bottom of the website and snack guide. I chop my 19 month olds food into small bite sized pieces, even when I am sharing a snack bar with him. Please use your own discretion when feeding your child or anyone else’s child any of the snacks or recipes recommended on this website and in the snack guide.


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