Healthier Whipped Cream

Sugar, especially processed, is addictive and lots of people think that our cultures constant consumption of it leads to disease. Processed sugar, like that used in traditional whipped cream, is void of nutrients and canned whip cream is full of fillers and chemicals. For all of those reasons, I started making my own whipped cream and it is surprisingly so easy!

Recipe Notes

You only need two ingredients for this recipe, it’s so easy! One cup of organic, grass-fed heavy whipping cream and one tablespoon of honey. All you have to do is add these two ingredients to a bowl and whip them together for around a minute until stiff peaks form. Choosing organic, grass-fed dairy products helps to ensure you are getting the most nutrients possible, and choosing organic raw honey ensures the same.

You can add this whipped cream to your coffee or hot chocolate, pair it with fruit for a treat or use it as a topping for your favorite dessert, it pairs well with almost anything.

Healthier Whipped Cream

Healthier Whipped Cream

This whipped cream is quick and easy and a much healthier option for any dessert.


  • 1 cup organic, grass fed heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tablespoon organic raw honey


  1. Place cream and honey in a stand mixer and mix on high for 1-2 minutes or until stiff peaks form.
  2. Enjoy!
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