Natural Remedies for Sickness

It’s that time of year again. Cold and flu season is upon us. It’s also the time of year when we are busy busy busy and attending all the holiday things: Christmas parties, holiday gatherings, and school events. Since most of us are running around like crazy, it’s no wonder we end up with a cold or the flu. During this time of year, it’s important to know how to keep your immune system working well and to know how to handle a cold or the flu if it does come along. Now, none of the below advice or suggestions replace the advice of your doctor and by all means, if you are sick and feel you need to see a doctor, please do so.

A couple of weeks ago my son and husband were both sick. To be honest, I don’t know if they have a cold or the flu, only that they had fevers and cold-like symptoms. During that time, I did all the things for them and myself, so that they could feel better and I could stay healthy. So, I wanted to share with you how to help your loved ones or yourself if you are sick. Below are the natural ways I helped them to feel better. I consumed most of the food items listed too in an effort to not catch what they had and thankfully I didn’t.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is so important when you are sick, especially if you have a fever. It is important to give your body the fluid it needs to function properly and to flush out toxins but I would say that instead of consuming water, it is very important to consume liquids that are filled with nutrients. To function well and to work double time when you are sick your body needs, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. All of these are going to be drained very quickly when you are sick, so replacing them is key to regaining health. If you want to stay healthy these are important too, so that your body can fight off illness. Below is a list of ways to stay hydrated when sick.

  • Herbal Teas

    Herbal teas are full of minerals and will help you to stay extra hydrated. Most herbal tea will do, but if you want to stock up just in case, look for teas that include organic elderberry or echinacea. Both elderberry and echinacea will help to boost your immune system and its response to sickness. Other additions to your tea that add more minerals include: adding raw honey, bee pollen, and sea salt. If your loved one is sick, rotate through teas, when they finish one mug, move on to the next.

  • Bone Broth

    Drinking bone broth is another great way to stay hydrated. It is filled with nutrients like glycine and other amino acids that will help your body to heal. Try to get in at least one cup a day of either homemade or a quality store-bought brand. If you are not able to drink it by itself, try making a warm soup instead.

  • Raw Milk

    Contrary to what most of us have been taught, raw milk is actually an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and healthy fats. I give a big cup to my little one, any time he has a fever, and I know it is giving his body the nutrients needed to get well. You can also add raw milk to your tea if you would prefer to not drink it on it’s own.

  • Adrenal Cocktail

    Drinking an adrenal cocktail is a great way to get vital nutrients your immune system and body need to function properly. It will not only help to boost your immune system but will help you to stay hydrated and give you energy.  

pomegrante seeds

Consume Immune System Supporting Foods

Foods that are high in vitamins A and C help to strengthen your immune system. Giving your immune system the nutrients it needs is one of the most important things you can do for your loved one who is sick. Vitamin A is used by your body to help immune cells to function properly. Vitamin C is depleted very quickly when you are sick. Replenishing your store's stores also helps your immune system to function properly and helps your body to heal. If you are caring for a sick loved one, increasing your intake of both of these nutrients can help to keep you healthy.

  • Vitamin A Rich Foods: beef liver, pasture raised eggs, raw dairy, grass fed butter

    These vitamin A rich foods contain the easiest form of vitamin A for your body to absorb. For an easy way to add in beef liver, try my hidden liver smoothie.

  • Vitamin C Rich Foods: citrus fruits, kiwi, elderberry, pomegranate seeds, bell peppers, cruciferous vegetables

    You can consume fresh fruits raw, elderberry in tea or syrup form and add vegetables to soups or sauté them in butter.

Supplement Naturally

This is a list of supplements that I personally use when someone in my house is sick. There are lots of great options our there but these are my favorites at the moment. I have no affiliation with these brands, but have seen them help with recovery and keeping sickness at bay. Each is linked.

  • Earthley Wellness Feel Better Fast: I use this for cold symptoms, headaches and fevers.

  • Earthley Wellness Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Extract: I use this tincture for fevers, headaches and joint pain.

  • Elderlane Elderberry Syrup: Elderberry syrup helps to boost your overall immune system, helps your body to fight off illness.

Hope this information helps you in your effort to keep your family healthy this cold and flu season. If you’d like to learn more about how to keep yourself and your family healthy all year long, I share lots of information in my Nourished Living Course. It will teach you how to consume foods that are nutrient-dense and why it’s so important for your overall health. Learn more at the link below. 


Simple Bone Broth Recipe


Tart Cherry Juice Nightcap